
Sunday, April 26, 2020


It was a beautiful summer day in July of 2018 , we had the entire splash park to ourselves.  The kids were having a great time.  My 2 1/2 year grandson came up to me, grabbed my hand and said, "you run with me Nana, you run with me."  I had so much hesitation, (1) I was not in swim clothes and did not want to get wet, (2) will my back let me run, (3) what if I fall, that's was started all of this.  I looked down into the big blue eyes and said, "let go".

Christmas of 2019, all of the little kids of running around and my 2 year old granddaughter said "run with me Nana".  I said "oh, I can't honey" and she said "just try Nana, just try."  1 1/2 years apart, two different grandchildren asking me to just run with them - it's so simple.  I want to run with them.

I have sleep apnea and have been on a CPAP machine for several years. In May of 2018 I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knees and back as well as a tilted pelvis which is pinching a nerve.  I've been in the pre-diabetic range for a few years but never really took it serious enough to do anything about it.  In October of 2019 my A1c hit 6.5 and the doctor labeled me diabetic.  That was it, that was the scare that got my attention.  

So there you have it, I'm 120 pounds over weight with bad knees and back.  I have sleep apnea and now diabetics.  Oh yeah, forgot about the cholesterol medicine I'm on.  I'm tired all of the time and lack follow through in anything I do to help improve myself.  I'm just a hot mess.

"Run with me Nana", I have four grandchildren, ages 5,4,3, and 1.  I want to run with them.
Time is too precious to waste any more of it.  I want to be the Nana that runs through the sprinklers during the day and catches lightening bugs at night.  I want to play on the floor with my grandchildren playing cars and having tea parties.

I want to be free on the physical and emotional ties and run like someone has just opened the gate.

This journey began about 6 months ago; to get fit - mind, body and soul and what a journey it has been so far.  I will be posting in current time and flashing back through out the last six months.

Please share in my journey, share what has and has not worked for you.  I believe together we can become the best that we can.

Here's to new beginnings.